
As a result of the ruling from the Massach使用tts Attorney General’s Office, resulting from implementation of the Massach使用tts 获得病假时间 Law, students who are exempt from paying Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) tax are exempt from accruing and using earned sick time. During the academic year, most BC students are exempt from paying FICA, so they are exempt from earning and using earned sick time.

然而, 在夏天, most BC students do pay FICA tax; therefore they are able to accrue, 使用, and carry forward into the next summer's student employment period earned sick time.

International students may be exempt from FICA, in which case they would not be eligible for 获得病假时间 (EST) 在夏天, just as most students are not eligible during the academic year when they’re exempt from FICA then. 然而, they can check their pay stubs as to whether they pay FICA, or they can contact the Human 资源 Service Center for assistance.

More detailed information about EST including Questions and Answers, as well as a public notice about this law, 可以在下面找到.
